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    Compare HMOs on Cost and Quality in Virgina
  • Health Insurance
    Find your Health Insurance Providers, Health Care Pricing Transparency in Virginia
  • Healthcare Pricing Transparency
    Healthcare Pricing Transparency in Virginia, statewide or regional for Colonoscopy, Mammogram, xray and other procedures.
  • Charity Care in Virginia
    Information on VA Charity Care
  • Industry Report
    Widely recognized as the #1 decision support tool for comparing the performance of Virginia's healthcare providers.

Hospital Information

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virginia region map Southwest Central East Northwest North

Healthcare Coverage and Access New

Efficiency and productivity of carriers and managed care health insurance plans.

Prescription Drug Pricing New

Top 25 costliest, most frequently prescribed and highest price increased prescription drugs in Virginia.

Charity Care

Up-to-date information on inpatient hospitals and outpatient providers charity care.

Parent Companies

List of parent companies with subsidiaries.


Find outpatient facilities by location with procedures they perform.

Trauma Center

Virginia hospitals list that have been designated as a trauma center.


Reveal which facilities provide better quality of care by streamlining and reducing unnecessary costs.

Quality Indicators

Evidence-based measures of healthcare quality that can be used to gauge and track clinical performance and outcomes.