Provider Demographic Data

Long-Term Care Provider Spreadsheets:
All Long-Term Care Provider Spreadsheets - $250.00
Continuing Care Retirement Communities - $50.00
Nursing Facilities - $50.00

If your needs for Provider Demographic Data go beyond viewing our online pages, VHI offers you Provider data in easy-to-use, powerful Excel files. Get the demographics you need to sort and display information in separate reports or import into other programs. VHI Provider data is value-priced at $50 per provider type and available now. Buy online and get Excel files today.

Why do I need Provider Spreadsheets?

Consultants and healthcare providers often use this Provider data for planning and marketing analyses while vendors can use this data for potential sales and marketing strategies. All Provider spreadsheets allow the user to view the facilities by planning region. Information is available for over 1,400 providers of care.

Available Provider Spreadsheets

Click on the icon to learn what's included in the individual spreadsheets available. Data from five different Long-Term Care Provider types are currently available for purchase online. You may email us at with questions or for more information.

Updated on: 2/26/2021