Augusta Health

General Info

Our General Information includes locations, prices, facility size and other information to get you started comparing facilities.
78 Medical Center Drive
Fishersville, VA 22939
Get Directions

  (540) 932-4685

Mary N Mannix, FACHE
President & CEO

Updated on: 04/30/2024

Financial Information

For Fiscal Year 1/1/2022 - 12/31/2022
Why is this important?
Parent Hospital financial information was originally intended to benefit of large employers and purchasers of care.
However, consumers should know that financially healthy hospitals may be better able to provide charity care and invest in infrastructure, and technology.


  • Net patient service revenue $456,867,221
  • Other operating revenue $18,470,275
  • Net assets released from restriction $898,265
  • Total operating revenue $476,235,761


  • Labor$280,504,802
  • Non-labor$149,096,197
  • Capital$15,639,267
  • Taxes$20,922,031
  • Total operating expense$466,162,297
  • .
  • Operating income$10,073,464
  • Net non-operating gains (loss)($90,923,050)
  • Revenue and gains
    in excess of expenses and losses($80,849,586)

Balance Sheet

  • Current assets$93,038,113
  • Net fixed assets$199,563,050
  • Other assets$505,165,405
  • Total assets$797,766,568
  • .
  • Current liabilities$71,441,867
  • Long term liabilities$8,516,475
  • Total liabilities$79,958,342
  • Total net assets$717,808,226
Click here for more information on operating and total margins.

Updated on: 04/30/2024


The facilities included below submit Annual Historical Filings to VHI, inclusive of financial and utilization information.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of subsidiaries associated with each parent company.
Facility Name City Facility Type
Augusta Health 
78 Medical Center Drive
Fishersville Acute Hospital
Augusta Health - LTCU 
78 Medical Center Drive
Fishersville Hospital - Long Term Care Unit
Augusta Health Imaging Center
23 N Campus Drive
Fishersville Freestanding
Total Facilities: 3