Sheltering Arms Institute

General Info

Our General Information includes locations, prices, facility size and other information to get you started comparing facilities.
2000 Wilkes Ridge Drive
Richmond, VA 23233
Get Directions

  (804) 877-4000

Alan Lombardo
President and CEO

For Consumer Inquiries:
Joel Glasgow
  (804) 764-5242

Medicare Provider Number: 493036

Parent Company: Sheltering Arms Institute

Tax Status: Not-for-profit

Teaching Status: None

NOTE: Opened June 17, 2020

Hospital Stays

For Fiscal year 10/1/2021 - 9/30/2022
Full-time equivalents - Payroll377.0
Staffed beds114

Updated on: 12/14/2023

Efficiency Indicators

For Fiscal Year 10/1/2021 - 9/30/2022


Indicator Description Value
1 Gross Revenue Per Adjusted Patient Day: The average full patient charge, based on charge schedules, per adjusted patient day. Patient days are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)
2 Net Revenue Per Adjusted Patient Day: The average dollar amount expected to be collected per adjusted patient day. Patient days are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)
3 Gross Revenue Per Adjusted Admission: The average full patient charge, based on charge schedules, per adjusted admission. Admissions are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)
4 Net Revenue Per Adjusted Admission: The average dollar amount expected to be collected per adjusted admission. Admissions are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)


Indicator Description Value
5 Cost Per Adjusted Patient Day: The average total operating cost per adjusted patient day. Patient days are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)
6 Cost Per Adjusted Admission: The average total operating cost per adjusted admission. Admissions are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)
7 Labor Cost Per Adjusted Patient Day: The average personnel expense per adjusted patient day. Patient days are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)
8 Non-labor Cost Per Adjusted Patient Day: The average supply, maintenance and non-personnel expense per adjusted patient day. Patient days are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)
9 Capital Cost Per Adjusted Patient Day: The average physical facility costs (e.g., expenses for depreciation, amortization, interest, insurance, and taxes as related to the acquisition of permanent assets) per adjusted patient day. Patient days are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)
10 Operating Income Per Adjusted Patient Day: The average amount of profit or loss before tax expenses generated per adjusted patient day. Patient days are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a higher value.
(higher is better)
11 Labor Cost Per Adjusted Admission: The average personnel expense per adjusted admission. Admissions are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)
12 Non-labor Cost Per Adjusted Admission: The average supply, maintenance and non-personnel expense per adjusted admission. Admissions are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)
13 Capital Cost Per Adjusted Admission: The average physical facility costs (e.g., expenses for depreciation, amortization, interest, insurance, and taxes as related to the acquisition of permanent assets) per adjusted admission. Admissions are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)
14 Operating Income Per Adjusted Admission: The average amount of profit or loss before tax expense generated per adjusted admission. Admissions are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a higher value.
(higher is better)


Indicator Description Value
15 Full-time Equivalents Per Adjusted Occupied Bed: The number of staff, converted to the average number of employees who work full time, for each occupied bed. The number of occupied beds has been adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)
16 Paid Hours Per Adjusted Admission: The average number of hours the hospital paid to employees or an agency, per adjusted admission. Admissions are adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)
17 Staffed Beds Occupancy: Expressed as a percentage, it is the ratio of the hospital's average daily census to the number of beds the hospital has prepared ready to receive patients. The desired direction is toward a higher value.
(higher is better)
18 Licensed Beds Occupancy: Expressed as a percentage, the ratio of the hospital's average daily census to the number of beds the hospital reported as having been granted a license. The desired direction is toward a higher value.
(higher is better)

Financial Viability

Indicator Description Value
19 Total Margin: Expressed as a percentage, the net income, earnings or loss that the facility generates in relation to its expenses. The desired direction is toward a higher value.
(higher is better)
20 Return on Assets: Expressed as a percentage, the facility's ability to generate cash on its financial resources (e.g., investments, receivables, inventory, physical facility, etc.) The desired direction is toward a higher value.
(higher is better)
21 Cash Debt Coverage: A measure of the facility's ability to generate cash to cover its long-term debt. The desired direction is toward a higher value.
(higher is better)
22 Fixed Asset Financing Ratio: The percentage of asset value financed by long-term debt. The desired direction is toward a lower value.
(lower is better)

Community Support

Indicator Description Value
23 Charity Care, Bad Debt and Taxes: Expressed as a percentage, the amount of charity care (converted to a cost basis), bad debt and taxes the facility incurred in relation to its total expenses. The desired direction is toward a higher value.
(higher is better)
24 Medicaid Participation: Expressed as a percentage, the amount of patient days for patients enrolled in the Medicaid program in relation to total patient days. The number of patient days has been adjusted to account for outpatient service revenue. The desired direction is toward a higher value.
(higher is better)

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Updated on: 12/14/2023

Financial Information

For Fiscal Year 10/1/2021 - 9/30/2022
Why is this important?
Hospital financial information was originally intended to benefit of large employers and purchasers of care.
However, consumers should know that financially healthy hospitals may be better able to provide charity care and invest in infrastructure, and technology. Rankings on financial measures are found within the Efficiency tab.


  • Gross patient revenue $151,399,824
  • Contractual allowance $83,795,460
  • Charity care $2,530,945
  • Bad Debt $0
  • Net patient revenue $65,073,419
  • Other operating revenue $3,198,023


  • Labor$36,209,070
  • Non-labor$29,173,101
  • Capital$1,832,880
  • Taxes$0
  • Total expense$67,215,051
  • .
  • Operating income$1,056,391
  • Net non-operating gains (loss)$2,623,474
  • Revenue and gains
    in excess of expenses and losses$3,679,865

Balance Sheet

  • Current assets$16,523,593
  • Net fixed assets$10,917,047
  • Other assets$0
  • Total assets$27,440,640
  • .
  • Current liabilities$22,912,924
  • Long term liabilities$0
  • Total liabilities$22,912,924
  • Net worth$4,527,716
Click here for more information on operating and total margins.

Updated on: 12/14/2023